Ayden Uhlir & Sjapoer: 72.175%
- Uhlir began with a power extended canter. Her first half pirouette left was quite weak, turning too quickly at the beginning. The pirouette right showed good collection. The extended walk could have used a longer stride and frame, but both it and the extended walk were active without tension. The trot half-passes could have used to maintain bigger strides crossing sideways, but they were balanced and rhythmical. The shoulder-ins, ridden down the centerline, flowed well. The last line of tempi changes was completely smooth but not on a consistent count. Sjapoer was up nicely in the bridle throughout the test, stepping with consistent impulsion into Ulyir's soft hands.
Jaime Pestana & Winzalot: 70.975%
- This impressive horse unfortunately has the habit of sticking out his tongue despite Pestana's gentle contact. Early in her test, Pestana rode tempi changes on a curved line that jumped up and through in a beautiful way. The canter pirouettes needed to sit little more behind. Both canter half passes had good engagement sideways. There was an unfortunate mistake in one flying change resulting in about 20 meters of cross canter. The walk had nice march from behind and good over-track. In the first extended trot, the tongue showed significantly, but the movement itself had lots of power in every stride. In collected trot, Winzalot became slightly hurried at times, but all the lateral movements were well-balanced. Pestana finished on another power extended trot.
Tanya Strasser Shostak & Action Tyme: 70.500%
- Strasser Shostak began on two smooth and regular shoulder-ins, each followed by quite steep half-passes that could have used a little more power crossing sideways. Both extended trots showed nice lengthening of the stride, though there was a small loss of balance in the second. Strasser Shostak rode quite steep canter half-passes with a change of direction that showed no loss of balance though they could have been slightly more uphill. The tempi changes had enough jump, but also needed to show more lift in front. She finished on a striding extended canter.
Devon Wycoff & Power Play: 70.075%
- After a miscommunicated transition out of the halt, Wycoff's test transitioned into lightfooted half-passes with a smooth change of bend. The extended trots were a touch unbalanced but Power Play showed pleanty of lengthening in his strides and good reach in front. Wycoff rode smoothly from walk to an extended canter that had lots of power from behind. The half pirouettes were small but Power Play needed to take more weight on his hindquarters. The four tempis written on a serpentine were of good quality. The changes in the threes were also good, but in the first line one was missed. She finished with a few nice expressive three-tempi changes on the centerline.
Sydney Holme & Day Dreamer: 69.750%
- Holme began on a beautiful half-pass right with cadence and engagement. Day Dreamer was snorting in the half-pass left, causing it to lose some balance. The shoulder-ins were also ridden in correct uphill balance. In extended trot, the horse needed to show longer strides. Holme rode her walk in two parts, which was effectively done with smooth transitions in the gaits and in the music. The pirouette right was small and nicely uphill. While Holme tried riding flying changes on curved lines, she missed her count a couple times doing so. The overall picture was of an engaged horse in nice self-carriage.