Saturday, July 19, 2014

CDIO Aachen 2014 - Grand Prix Special

Matthias Alexander Rath & Totilas: 84.529%
  • Totilas looks better than ever. The trot in the half-passes were amazing, though the half-passes are not absolutely supple in their crossing and the haunches almost trail. The passage was super regular and pushing up off Totilas's hind legs. In extended trot, Rath could ideally have asked for more power from behind, though the strides are not exaggerated in front. The extended walk was striding forward very well, but could have stretched more into the contact. The first piaffe had some backward steps and the second had a couple steps where the stallion was climbing in front. The big two tempis were not quite straight and the improved ones could still have covered more ground. The second pirouette was carried on the hind legs, but turned a bit quickly. The final centerline of passage was incredible, though the piaffe again had a bit of backward tendency. 

Charlotte Dujardin & Valegro: 83.157%
  • Valegro has incredible talent for crossing in the half-passes. The wonderfully elastic passage could spring a touch more under from behind in a few stretches. The extended trots were very light in front and powerful. The rhythm of the extended walk has improved, but the strides could still be bigger. The first piaffe was very early and a little forward, but had amazing sit. Charlotte prepared beautifully for the transition from passage to canter, pushing him into the correct bend for the canter lead even as she turned across the arena. The two tempis were beautiful—Valegro jumps fluidly up and forward into each change—and secure, but there was an error in the otherwise spectacular ones on the diagonal. The pirouettes were tiny and controlled. The final passage was the best, but there was a hesitant stride in the transition to the final piaffe. 

Helen Langehanenberg & Damon Hill: 82.078%
  • Damon Hill unfortunately lost some points where he normally rakes them in with a stumble in the first extended trot. Sometimes it took Langehanenberg a few strides to get Damon Hill into his spectacular passage. The extended walk was without question the best in the class. In the first two piaffes, Damon Hill was curling a bit and opening his mouth, even though the sit and elevation of his knees was super. The two tempis were round and ground-covering. The extended canter showed beautiful flexibility in the horses body as he took enormous strides. The one tempis on the centerline were a little tight and Damon Hill was not totally balanced coming out of the very collected and active pirouette right. 

Isabell Werth & Bella Rose: 81.51%
  • Bella Rose has a bit of a tendency to pull down in the extended trots, though she powers forward with nice long strides. Werth produced in the half pass left unquestionably the best half-pass of the day and the one to the right was also amazing. The passage springs way off the ground. The extended walk was a little slow. Bella Rose pulled down for a couple steps of the piaffe, but Werth brought her up again and she closed a bit more at the base. There is no change in rhythm between piaffe and passage. The canter half-passes were excellent, but the flying change at the end was a bit stilted. In the twos, the mare got a bit too up and down in her movement and there was an error. The expressive ones will score higher when Bella Rose can relax more into them and cover more ground. The first pirouette was beautifully controlled; in the second, Werth slightly lost the haunches. The final line of piaffe and passage was absolutely clean and expressive. The mare's few little errors are not from loss of balance—which sometimes happens with Totilas—but from tension. 

Tinne Vilhemson-Silfvén & Don Auriello: 79.039%
  • Don Auriello's extravagant front leg is unfortunately not quite matched behind. In passage, his knees were elevated, but his hind legs were trailing a bit slowly. The trot half-passes were lovely. In extended trot, he could have reached a bit more under behind. The extended walk was a bit stilted. Vilhemson-Silfvén rode piaffes with a high degree of sit, though Don Auriello was minimally active behind. The two tempis were ground-covering, but a bit quiet; the ones, super. The tiny canter pirouettes jumped together a bit behind. The final passage was the best Don Auriello has done with the hind legs coming more up and under. 

Kristina Sprehe & Desperados: 77.765%
  • The first of Desperados's super reaching trot extensions did not look quite as elevated in front as it could be. The half-passes were stunning, with the stallion crossing the arena with a flowing trot. The early passage lines were top class. The energetic extended walk looked a little tight in the body. Desperados tripped into the first piaffe and the third turn of passage after the walk was irregular with the horse's haunches swinging out. In the first two piaffes, though Desperados picked his feet way up off the ground, he could have shifted a bit more weight to his haunches. The canter half-passes were fantastic, as were the tempi changes. The canter pirouettes were sitting but quite big. The final extended trot was the best, with Desperados really lifting his shoulder. While final piaffe was the best, the passage leading up to it was so big that it became quite irregular. 

Adeline Cornelissen & Jerich Parzival: 76.216%
  • Cornelissen was on today. The extended trots, though flashy in front, were rather short in the neck and the strides behind. The passage lines were ridden with lots of controlled elevation. The half-passes flowed sideways. Cornelissen tried to correct a slightly stuck Parzival into the first piaffe, but he instead canter tensely and no piaffe was shown. The second was spot-on with its rhythm, but still not sitting. Parzivals tempis are incredibly fluid. The final passage was huge, but Parzival was not quite reaching into the contact and bopping his head. 

Laura Graves & Verdades: 74.784%
  • Verdades drove powerfully forward in the extended trots. He has a very loose way of going which made for a particularly stunning right half-pass, though at times it means he loses some suspension in the passage. The passage showed lots of elevation in the horse's limbs but it was sometimes a bit too open. The piaffe actively sprang between diagonal pairs, but would have been improved if the hind legs came more under. The canter half-passes were beautifully fluid and uphill. Verdades reached up from the shoulder very well in the tempi changes, but could score even higher if her jumped up and forward a little more. The canter pirouette left was superbly sitting; the one to the right was a hair bigger. The final piaffe was more sitting, but Verdades got a bit crooked as he struggled to hold it. Graves finessed it beautifully into the final line of passage. 

Michael Eilberg & Half Moon Delphi: 74.706%
  • The highlight for this combination was without doubt the passage, where the mare lifted way into the air. Delphi gets a little slow in the trot half-passes.  The extended trots are energetic from behind but could be more uphill. The first piaffe was a little heavy in front, the second better. In both, Delphi closed at the base. The change between canter half-passes was not quite clean. The one tempis were nicely engaged, but the ones to the left were slightly bigger than the ones to the right. The pair had an error in the ones on the centerline. The passage on the centerline was stunning and Eilberg's contact was soft. 

Anna Kasprzak & Donnperigonon: 73.941%
  • Donnperignon's half-pass left flowed sideways; the one to the right was also very nice but the horse's haunches were trailing a little. The third extended trot was super: uphill, powerful, and reaching. Donnperignon's small piaffes looked quite rhythmical. The two tempis covered the full diagonal, but there was an error in the ones. The extended canter stretched nicely in the back, but needed a little more open frame. The first canter pirouette started very well, but Donnperignon lost some energy in it as he got a bit too high in the neck. Other than a slightly slow transition out of piaffe, the final line was excellent. 

José Daniel Martin Dockx & Grandioso: 73.706%
  • Grandioso does not have a hugely scopey trot, but Dockx rode very softly, correctly, and precisely. The passage could carry a bit more from behind. The first piaffe was a little forward, the second more in place. Both stepped neatly up between diagonal pairs. Grandioso swung his haunches some on the two tempis. The ones were very good on the diagonal, but Dockx missed one down the centerline. The transitions in and out of the final piaffe were wonderfully smooth. 

Valentina Truppa & Eremo del Castegno: 73.078%
  • Eremo del Castegno is a light-footed and springy mover despite being quite heavy in the body. This made for a super passage, but an extended trot that could have used to push a little more forward. The trot half-passes crossed easily across the arena. Eremo del Castegno showed some resistance in the contact in collected walk, but Truppa picked up a super piaffe—sitting, with lifted knees. The change at the end of the canter half-passes was not clean and Truppa had errors in the twos. The ones started better, but got a bit unbalanced and exaggerated towards the end. There was an error in the tense ones on the centerline. The pirouettes were nicely sitting, but the first lost the haunches slightly and the second had a small rhythm error. The final centerline left a nice impression. 

Adrienne Lyle & Wizard: 72.902%
  • Wizard's extended trots are very flashy in from, but he could step more under from behind to lift his shoulders more. The half-passes have excellent elevated crossing. The one to the right could have been more flowing. Wizard's active hind leg produces an energetic passage, though, again, he could come more under behind. The transition to the first piaffe was settled. The piaffes were regular, but looked rather tense in the body. The transitions out of piaffe were better than usual, but Wizard still trailed a hind leg. While the tempis were smooth, they could have been freer in the shoulder. Lyle rode tiny pirouettes. The final passage was the best, with Wizard creating suspension from a carrying hind leg.

Morgan Barbançon & Painted Black: 72.176%
  • Painted Black has the potential for extensions to blow the doors off, but the first one was rather quiet. Still, they were nicely matched with even reaching strides in front and behind. The passage was light and easy. The piaffes were good with Painted Black lifting his feet nicely. Each transition in or out, however, had a hesitation or double beat. The stallion jumped forward well in the tempi changes, but was a hair deep in the bridle in them. There was an error in the last of the ones on the centerline. The pair is looking back on form after a long competition break, and there still appears to be room for the stallion to step into a higher gear now that they are back in the swing of things.

Hans Peter Minderhoud & Glock's Flirt: 72.176%
  • Flirt has a high-suspension trot and Minderhoud rode very dynamic half-passes. The passage was springy but a bit out behind, especially on the left. Flirt has good reaching trot extensions but Minderhoud holds him too short in the neck to score higher. The piaffe looked more cleanly diagonal than even a few months ago, but it is quite tight in the neck. The changes jump off the ground, but could show a cleaner three beat canter. Minderhoud missed some changes between the pirouettes. The final piaffe was quite forward and the horse got a bit wide in front. 

Marcela Krinke-Susmelj & Smeyer's Molberg: 72.000%
  • After a lovely energetic and relaxed entrance, Molberg gave a big spook at the end of the first extended trot. Molberg showed really nice power from behind in the trot tour, though he doesn't have the highest degree of shoulder freedom. The passage was very cleanly rhythmical and easy-looking. The extended walk could have had more reaching strides, but the collected walk was settled. Both piaffes were active enough and regular, but not sitting. Molberg stretched sideways across the arena in his energetic canter half passes. The canter pirouette left was wonderfully controlled but not bent. There wasn't really any bend in the pirouette right either, and the canter rhythm was not as clean. The final centerline was perfect in the beat of the piaffe and passage. Krinke-Susmelj produced a very polished test with a horse that appeared willingly attentive and energetic. 

Lone Bang Larsen & Fitou: 71.667%
  • While the extended trots were not super powerful, the passage was elegantly springy. Unfortunately, though it was rhythmical, Fitou had a tendency to step more under with the right hind. The horse sits and steps up very well in piaffe. The two tempis jumped nicely off the ground, but after an error at the beginning of the ones caused them to get a bit flat. The extended canter was sticky. The final line was very good. 

Terhi Stegars & Axis TSF: 71.608%
  • This pair had a very smooth and harmonious trot tour. The passage is springy, but sometimes got a bit out behind. The first piaffe did not start quite straight and improved when Stegars got her stallion in alignment. In piaffe, he is nice in the frame, but not very active. The canter half-passes were very good, the tempis were relaxed and expressive. Axis was not totally balanced in rotation in the canter pirouettes. This was a top test for this pair. 

Katja Gevers & Thriller: 71.529%
  • Thriller's trot is not the most fluid and the rhythm gets quite quick. The horse springs very much off his hind end in passage. Thriller did lengthen his very short frame nicely in the extensions. The piaffes were pleasant and sitting, and the second was more in place than the first. The change at the end of the canter half-passes was not clean. The tempis were fluid, though Thriller could show more shoulder freedom. The pirouettes were small and uphill. The final piaffe was much more active, with the energy coming very well from behind. 

Lars Petersen & Mariett: 70.843%
  • Petersen has quite a nice trot tour with flowing, open extensions. The trot half-passes were slightly earthbound. The passage is rhythmical and elastic. The two tempis were very inconsistent: some were beautiful, some were swinging in the haunches, one was short behind. The ones were lovely. Sometimes Petersen gives the impression that he is the one working hard to hold his mare together and the mare gets her tongue up a bit. The first pirouette turned too quickly, and because the mare was out of balance, Petersen's first aids for the one tempis did not go through. The final line of piaffe and passage was top notch, with the mare showing the most lightness in front.

Mikala Münter Gunderson & My Lady: 70.529%
  • This pair's test looked a bit hectic today. The potential was there in the movements, which Münter Gunderson produced with lots of energy, but they didn't give an impression of total harmony. The horse wasnt against her rider, just not settled. In the extended trots mare did not totally carry herself, making for a rough sit for Münter Gunderson. My Lady really lifts her knees and crosses in the half-passes, though they could be more fluid. The passage comes way off the ground, but is not always totally regular. Same for the active piaffe. The canter pirouettes were a bit big.

Jeanna Högberg & Darcia: 70.294%
  • Darcia takes nice big strides in the extended trots, but tends to hand on the bridle slightly rather than opening her frame. The half-passes were good in their crossing, but lacked some suspension. The mare's hind leg in passage is super. The piaffes were active, but Darcia pushed too much off her front legs and traveled forward. Darcia changed behind before the beginning of the twos. Högberg controlled the pirouettes beautifully as they turned and the mare stayed active. The final piaffe was not in place at all. 

Claudia Fassaert & Donnerfee: 69.784%
  • Donnerfee has a lovely light-footed trot with a hind leg that steps way under. In the extended trots, though, she could also reach more forward in front. In passage, the mares steps get a bit open. The first passage was hesitant and the transition out was weak. The second piaffe was rhythmical but small. The tempis flowed very nicely across the diagonal. The pirouettes were a hair big as the haunches swung out a little in a stride. 

Renate Voglsang & Fabriano: 69.725%
  • Voglsang rode Fabriano on a very light contact in a frame that was a bit too open. The stallion tracked up very well in his ground-covering extended trot. The piaffe was airborne, but a bit too forward much of the time. The first piaffe had a step backwards and Fabriano closes at the base by getting heavy in front, rather than sitting. There was an error in the twos, which could have been more on the hind leg overall. The ones were more uphill. The canter pirouettes needed to come up more in front.

Marlies van Baalen & Miciano: 68.529%
  • Miciano showed rather pony-like extended trots that were short in the bridle. The horse comes war under himself behind in passage and really lifts his knees. The half-passes were very good, though the trot before and after was rather hectic. Though Miciano brings his croup under for the piaffe, he struggles to find a rhythm. The canter half-passes had a very quick rhythm. Van Baalen has an error in the ones on the centerline. The pirouettes were nicely on the haunches. 

David Marcus & Chrevi's Capital: 67.843%
  • Capital has nice reaching extended trots, though the rhythm of them wass not totally secure. The half-pass right was not quite parallel. The passage was nicely uphill. Marcus had a resistance from Capital leading into the second passage, which, though it had more elevation and energy than the first, was a bit against the hand. The scores in the canter tour are limited by the poor beat of Capital's collected canter. The tempis were straight and airy, though there was an error in the ones on the centerline. The first pirouette was small but unbalanced, the second very good. After the last piaffe at X, the passage was nicely elevated. 

Julie de Deken & Lucky Dance: 66.490%
  • De Deken had a very pleasant trot tour, but throughout, the horse could have come more onto his haunches and moved with a bit more power. This weakness also applied to the passage. The transition into the first passage stepped forward instead of up and de Deken could not prevent it from traveling several meters forward. The one tempis were a bit hectic and there was an error in the series on the centerline. The good final passage had more suspended elevation. 

José Antonio Garcia Mena & Norte Lovera: 65.216%
  • This horse has a lovely extended trot, really reaching up and out in front. The crossing in the half-pass left was a bit restricted. When the passage was good, Norte Lovera was springy and almost brought his knees to his muzzle, but he often broke into canter or lost the rhythm. There was no second piaffe as the horse cantered out of passage right past the centerline. There were errors in the twos and the ones, which was a shame because the horse showed very nice uphill strides in them. The canter pirouettes were small . Unfortunately after the early mistakes in passage, the other work started to look unsettled. The final piaffe was a little forward but otherwise really super.

Caroline Roffman & Her Highness O: 61.314%
  • Her Highness is quite restricted behind in extended trot. The passage gave the appearance of lots of elevation, but there were a few double-beats behind. The transition from collected walk to piaffe was hesitant, though the first piaffe was more settled than the second. The nice picture of the two tempis was marred by tension; the ones were rather short and hurried. The mare broke in the second pirouette and then there was a rhythm error in the final extended trot. The over-cooked mare then resisted by traveling several meters sideways. In general, the picture for this mare could be more fluid and less intensely mechanical.