Friday, May 10, 2013

World Dressage Masters Munich 2013 - Grand Prix

It was a miserable day in Munich, with a few stalwart fans hiding under umbrellas to watch the rides, and mud splashed all over the legs of the horses. That said, the dressage was good, and I enjoyed watching the competition from the comfort of my dry apartment.

The top three were Tinne Vilhelmson-Silfvén, Valentina Truppa, and Victoria Max-Theurer.

Renate Voglsang & Fabriano: 70.553%

  • Nice beginning extended trot with good lengthening of the frame and carrying steps forward. Some a loss of uphill balance in trot half passes. Perhaps at becomes a little out behind in lengthened trot but they are still very good. The last steaks active stretching extended walk very high-quality, And the collected walk was diligent but still with good over track. The transition from walk to the passage took a long time to develop. The pair's two tempi changes were energetic and carrying nicely forward but were not quite straight as they jumped a bit from side to side, so not swinging the haunches. The canter half passes for the zigzag were also a little week as there wasn't quite consistent parallel canter. The ones did not jump quite powerfully forward enough. Voglsang kept her horse in a very nice frame in the neck and rode in good energy, always with a soft relaxed back, but the weakness was that the horse needed to come under more and carry more weight behind; he was just a little heavy at all times in the front legs. 

Uta Gräf & Le Noir: 68.681%

  • The harmonious pair started their test with an extended trot that did not quite show enough lengthening of the strides. Gräf rode very fluid half passes which stepped energetically sideways. The second extended trot showed bigger steps but still needed more power from behind. Gräf kept her horse in a very nice classical frame and activity in piaffe, but there was some weakness in the transition to passage, with the hind legs left behind slightly. Gräf rides with incredible lightness, but it seemed at times that Le Noir should step more powerfully into the contact. The one-tempis were uphill and rhythmical until towards the end where a couple were missed. The canter pirouette left was in good uphill collection maintaining a nice canter but got a bit big, and the one to the right was less uphill. The passage on the final centerline was the most engaged but Le Noir was pulling down slightly in the piaffe. 

Patrick van der Meer & Uzzo: 70.511%

  • With such long legs Uzzo should just give up dressage and be a supermodel. His power extended trots need to show a more open frame to match the huge steps. The reinback had very small steps and was tense. Uzzo did not quite find a frame or rhythm up that he was comfortable with in the first piaffe, even though he was dropping his croup and lifting his legs. Often the horse came behind the vertical in movements. There were some significant issues in the canter zigzag with the haunches not following enough the forehand at times and at other times swinging ahead of the change of direction. Van der Meer rode the canter pirouettes well: the horse comes under nicely but you can see he is inclined to turn too quickly around, which van der Meer did a good job slowing. Uzzo's very big final passage was slightly uneven in the elevation behind. The last piaffe was best of all with a good rhythm and Uzzo staying up in the frame. 

Matthias Kempkes & Ricoletto: 67.404%

  • Ricoletto's nice extended trots could have used to be slightly more uphill. The first piaffe had nice sit but got just a little too slow in the rhythm. The second was a little better in this respect. Ricoletto cross-cantered for a a few strides it after the transition out of passage. The extended canter lengthened the stride nicely and was powerful while still coming back softly into an uphill collected canter. In the zig-zag Ricoletto's canter became a little flat. The one tempi changes were short, lacked energy, and there were some missed changes behind. The passage was nicely active and elevated. 

Dorothee Schneider & Forward Looking: 70.383%

  • Forward Looking showed nice big steps in the first extended trot; unfortunately, there was a small loss of rhythm in the middle. The half passes in trot were big, elegant, and swinging. Forward Looking became nicely closed at the base in piaffe, but with so much sit she had trouble establishing a rhythm. The extended walk had nice over track but was slightly out behind. The second piaffe had a more energetic tempo, but the transition out into passage was a little flat. Forward Looking really stepped under and carried behind in the two tempi changes which were fantastic, even if showing some small degree of tension. The one tempi changes were very short, crooked, and tense resulting in a few missed changes. The canter pirouettes were superb with the horse really sitting taking the steps in a nice rhythm around and maintaining a great canter. 

Tinne Vilhelmson-Silfvén & Don Auriello: 76.000%

  • What an extended trot: it had huge reach in the front and now comes with lots of pushing power behind! Vilhelmson-Silfvén asked in this test for more energy behind in the passage, which was improved, though Don Auriello could not quite maintain the rhythm. There was significant tension in the collected a walk. Vilhelmson-Silfvén did a good job riding more activity behind in the second passage and produced a nice piaffe, but the hind toes began to drag a little again before canter. The one-tempis needed to jump through more though they were nicely uphill. Again, there was some slight unevenness in the passage on the final centerline, coming with the increased activity Don Auriello has started to offer. The test today was not quite as exact as usual in parts, but it seemed like Vilhelmson-Silfvén was trying to see if she could ask for more. 

Lisbet Seierskilde & Raneur: 69.021%

  • Raneur showed a very energetic springy passage but it was quite short in the neck in the first two tours. Even in extended walk, though he stretched nicely, Raneur did not stretch enough into the contact. Raneur carried himself forward nicely in the two tempi changes and was springing off the ground. Seierskilde lost some control of the positioning of her horses body in the canter zigzag. Final piaffe and massage was the most open in the frame and into the contact. 

Patrik Kittel & Scandic: 71.447%
  • The first extended trot did not show enough lengthening of the steps or power from behind, and the later ones were quite conservative as well. Scandic looked softer in the bend right in trot half-pass than he usually does and stayed nicely uphill. He was difficult again in the bend left. The half-passes stepped very energetically sideways in both directions. The reinback was not good at all: it was small and shuffling. Scandic showed super rhythmical and bouncy piaffe and passage, as always. The transition to extended walk began early in the passage as Scandic lost expression. The transition from passage to canter was very early. The flying changes were uphill and quite straight, but could have traveled more forward. Scandic broke into canter in the final extended trot.

Gonçalo Carvalho & Rubi: 69.489%
  • The pair began with a nice lengthening in the extended trot, but Ruby could have opened more in the frame. The bend in the half passes was correct and that changes of been soft, though it's at half past itself could show more sideways energy. Both extended and collected walk needed more energy. The two tempi changes could have sprung more off the ground. Little ones were more elevated and covered ground better. The pirouettes were small nicely maintained the canter.  Carvalho rode a super precise test with much correctness in the movements, but it needed to show more power.

Isabell Werth & Don Johnson: 73.064%

  • Don Johnson showed significant unsteadiness in the contact from the initial centerline. The trot half-passes were huge, with the one to the right in softer bend that the one to the left. Don Johnson pulled down before the halt and reinback, and dragged his feet in the reinback. There was some unevenness in the steps behind in the first passage, but the passage itself is very powerful. The collected walk was active and still relaxed. The tempi changes were springing uphill, but did not jump through enough. In the canter pirouettes Don Johnson became a bit stuck behind at times. The final piaffe was most rhythmical in addition to being well elevated. 

Jessica Werndl & Unee: 71.149%

  • Unee had a very good first extended trot coming up in front and stepping up under nicely behind in good balance. The trot half passes were a little rushed and resistant in the bend. The second extended trot was not quite as uphill. The passage was active and light throughout though the degree of activity was not one hundred percent consistent. The piaffe was very evenly rhythmical, though Unee steps out more in front with the left front than with the right. Werndl rode the zig-zag with lots of sideways travel but sometimes the horse could not quite keep his balance doing so. Unee lost quite a bit of energy in the transition from canter to collected trot. Werndl rode her horse in a nice, open, uphill frame. 

Valentina Truppa & Eremo del Castegno: 75.085%

  • Eremo looked nicely relaxed today and stayed soft and a little more open in the frame to add to his super energy. The passage was explosive, but well controlled by Truppa. The two tempi changes have lots of jump but were a little frantic rather than flowing. The change at the end of the zig-zag was early. In the small canter pirouette left Eremo became a little flat and quick in the canter, while the one to the right was better. The passage, piaffe, and transitions on the final centerline were not only dynamic, but rhythmical and smooth—really top-notch!

Nadine Capellmann & Girasol: 72.426%
  • The pair's entry centerline was very nice with soft collection, and Girasol stepping beautifully through into the contact. She became slightly short and deep in the trot half-passes, which were otherwise super in their bend and energy forward and sideways. The first piaffe was very early before the centerline and did not find a good rhythm. The extended walk was swinging with lovely stretch and over-track. The second passage started out quite uneven in the rhythm as was the second piaffe. The canter zig-zag was quite nice with very soft changes of bend and good balance. In the one tempis Girasol sometimes changed together behind. The final passage was the most rhythmical in addition to being huge and really stepping under, but the piaffe was still slightly uneven. The transitions between the two were clean. Girasol is staying more consistently up in the contact as of late, including in today's test. 

Victoria Max-Theurer & Blind Date: 74.468%
  • This relatively new combination had an excellent day today. Their test started with a very nice uphill extended trot, though there were a few strides towards the end that lost the rhythm. The half-passes traveled well but could have shown more crossing. The passage was active, with Blind Date really reaching up in front. The first piaffe, by contrast, was very small and not really rhythmical. The second piaffe was more active, though still small. In the two tempis, Blind Date was stepping powerfully foreword and carrying weight behind. There was a change behind before the start of the one-tempis which were otherwise good. The canter pirouettes did not quite consistently maintain a canter, but were small and well-collected. The last centerline was very good with a diligent if not big piaffe. 

Minna Telde & Santana: 70.979%
  • Santana had lots of power in the extended trots. The trot work was really high quality, with half passes that just effortlessly flowed sideways with enormous cadence. The steps in the reinback were uneven and Santana dragged his feet. The passage had an amazing elevation, but it was a bit too much, and Telde could not quite control the consistency of the steps. The canter strides became a bit tight in the zigzag, and Telde missed a few changes in the ones. She rode quite big pirouettes to maintain the canter. Telde got very good energy in Santana's movements, but there were little mistakes when this power was not quite under control. 

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