Sunday, June 30, 2013

CDIO Aachen 2013 - Grand Prix Freestyle

Langehanenberg again won her class in a league of her own—now we wait for the European Championships to see if she can be challenged!

Helen Langehanenberg & Damon Hill: 85.300%
  • Beginning her kur with piaffe, Langehanenberg established a good rhythm but from the front it was clear that the poll was not quite the highest point. But the piaffes only got better. The passage half-passes sprang lightly sideways. The piaffes following the passage half-passes were the most up in the frame. In extended trot, Damon Hill took enormous uphill strides.  In a beautiful curved line of extended walk, Damon Hill strode across the arena, swinging softly through his back. Langehanenberg's transition from collected walk to extended canter was exactly on the music. The canter pirouettes were a bit big and not as up in the shoulders as they could have been, though Damon Hill still lowered his croup significantly. While the flying changes lost some of Damon Hill's impressive reach in front they still jumped beautifully into the bridle. The last piaffe and extended trot were pretty much perfection. 

Isabell Werth & Don Johnson: 82.075%
  • The difficult and inconsistent Don Johnson was on very good form today. In his powerful piaffe and passage, he stayed quite steady in the nose throughout the test. The trot half-passes had lots of reach in front and push from behind. At times, Don Johnson dragged his right toe in his expressive passage. The canter half passes were as good as those in the trot. Werth's small canter pirouettes turned in a nice rhythm, but could have used a touch more uphill activity. Werth finished on an extended trot that not only had amazing power from behind and reach in front, but also stayed nicely up in the shoulder. 

Natalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein & Digby: 80.900%
  • Sayn-Wittgenstein's test began with her rather stiff-legged, but otherwise totally correct, trot half-passes. Digby's uphill frame and lowered croup made every piaffe beautiful. Sayn-Wittgenstein's test included a canter half-pass to a circle of extended and collected walk to another canter half-pass in which all the transitions were effortlessly ridden. Digby's tempi changes were bouncy and uphill. In both directions, the pirouettes were tiny and sitting. Sayn-Wittgenstein's test had a very high degree of difficulty, which was perfectly suited to her horse's excellent training and rideability. Their ride finished on a seemingly effortless piaffe pirouette and final passage.

Anna Kasprzak & Donnperignon: 80.475%
  • Kasprzak's test began with her super pirouettes: they were both small, with Donnperignon sitting deeply. Transitioning to trot work, Kasprzak rode enormous extensions that flowed across the arena. Trying to get more expression in the first piaffe, Kasprzak had some trouble with its rhythm. The trot half passes were light footed and flowing. In the second piaffe, Donnperignon had better activity and rhythm, but still did not lift much off the ground. The walk work was active but a little tense, limiting the over-track. The canter half-passes stepped sideways nicely, but became slightly flat. Kasprzak had some trouble continuing her lines of excellent changes today, especially as she had to steer Donnperignon away from the rail on her choreographed curved lines. The final passage was supple and elevated. 

Andreas Helgstrand & Akeem Foldager: 79.175%
  • Helgstrand and Akeem Foldager started their test with a passage half-pass and change of direction to trot half-pass. The passage half-pass achieved a high degree of crossing without losing any expression. The trot half-passes, however, were slightly slow. The first piaffe not only had incredible engagement, but also stayed in rhythm. Unfortunately, Akeem Foldager became stuck in the second piaffe. The horse was not good about stretching in the neck for the extended walk, but was striding with plenty of over-track. Coming out of the walk, Helgstrand rode a canter pirouette that was uphill but very big. Akeem Foldager swung his haunches less from side-to-side in the two-tempi changes, allowing them to jump through nicely. The one-tempis became too deep in the neck and lost ground cover, so Helgstrand missed a change. Since the horse was stuck in the tempis, the canter pirouette that followed was also a bit slow in the rhythm, though small. Often in the canter Helgstrand had little issues controlling the placement of the haunches, weakening some of the movements. Helgstrand ended with two 360º turns of piaffe pirouette, with a change of direction, and an enormous passage. 

Steffen Peters & Legolas: 78.675%

  • Peters's ride started with engaged but relaxed lines of piaffe and passage where he achieved activity without the croup coming too high. He then transitioned to canter work. The flying changes were straight and jumping, but labored in the rhythm. The first pirouette was not terribly uphill. In the ones, Legolas stopped doing changes towards the end as he lost his forward momentum. Both canter half-passes were soft with lovely band and good crossing. Peters's freestyle includes his classic canter pirouette to piaffe to extended walk transitions. The extended walk was very good—relaxed in the back with lots of over track. Peters is another master of the half-pass with Legolas reaching softly sideways across the arena. Their final piaffe pirouettes and passage had a good rhythm and lots of elevation.

Anabel Balkenhol & Dablino: 78.250%
  • Balkenhol made a very sunny choice of music for the slightly anxious but bubbly-moving Dablino. The test had an interesting pattern of trot half-pass directly to piaffe. Both trot half-passes looked slightly stuck in their sideways motion. The passage work, including passage half-passes, was all springy and rhythmical. The walk work was tense. In both directions, Balkenhol rode uphill canter half-passes that jumped positively sideways, followed by slightly unbalanced pirouettes. Dablino broke into canter for a stride in the last extended trot. His piaffe and passage on the final centerline showed beautiful self carriage and expression. 

Jose Manuel Martin Dockx & Grandioso: 78.175%

  • Martin Dockx chose to start his freestyle on one of the horse's strengths: a powerful long-strided extended trot. He then began his passage-piaffe tour, which was energetic but quite short in the neck. In both piaffe and passage, Grandioso lifts his legs plenty but should come under more behind. In the trot half-passes, the horse struggles some with the crossing. After an extended trot, Martin Dockx rode a beautiful piaffe half-pirouette that achieved a perfect active rhythm. Grandioso's walk was rather tense and short. The canter pirouettes were small but a little flat. The two-tempi changes ridden on a circle were very evenly engaged and expressive. Dockx ended with one-handed Piaffe and passage on the centerline. 

Danielle Heijkoop & Siro: 75.100%
  • The first movement of Heijkoop's test was a sluggish trot half-pass, which she followed with Siro's excellent passage and piaffe. The piaffes were still a bit tight in the neck, but showed very good sit and lots of spring. Siro opened his mouth quite a bit in his relaxed extended walk. The canter pirouette left was small and active, but Siro dropped his back slightly in it. The canter pirouette right was enormous, but better in the frame. Siro became rather short stepping in the tempi changes, despite their ground-cover. The extended trot was forward moving but without sufficient over-track. The pair ended on their strength: a straight line of balanced piaffe and passage. 

Tina Konyot & Calecto V: 74.900%
  • Due to video buffering, I missed the trot work of Konyot's freestyle. What I did see was the pair in their usual nice form: very dynamic, but not always carrying enough weight in the horse's haunches. Calecto's pirouette right, though small, was rather inactive behind. The left canter pirouette was very good: active and sitting. Konyot rode two-tempi changes on a half circle which became rather croup high and at least one was short behind; however, she made a seamless transition to beautiful jumping one-tempis on the diagonal. Towards the end of the test, the expressive passage became very croup high, and a tired Calecto made some minor rhythm mistakes in piaffe and passage. 

Simon Missiaen & Vradin: 73.650%

  • Though Vradin was a little flat in his carriage throughout the test, the horse moved with good expression and energy. Missiaen rode lots of power in his trot half-passes, but they were rather labored and became irregular. Vradin's canter pirouettes were small and active, though they should be slightly more uphill. Missiaen's choice of music, pop-y versions of well-known tunes, was not the most exciting and did not add to the movements. The two-tempi changes were ground covering and flowing, but not very uphill. The piaffe-passage tours at both the beginning and end were quite nice, though Vradin should step under more behind. 

Diederik van Silfhout & Vorst D: 72.825%

  • Silfhout began his test with a sticky transition into a nice curved line of passage and piaffe. In piaffe, Vorst shows a nicely lowered croup but still needs to have more lightness in front. The very good half-pass left stepped powerfully sideways with lots of crossing. Silfhout chose to ride very short canter half-pass lines with a change of direction: they were executed in a nice canter, but were not remarkable. The classic extended-canter-to-pirouette line was successful for Vorst. The horse lengthened his strides nicely for the extended canter and kept a good rhythm in the pirouettes.

Jan Ebeling & Rafalca: 72.025%

  • For Aachen, Ebeling showed off a new freestyle of contemporary electronic music with a very catchy and appropriate beat. He began down the centerline with a series of straight, uphill, and diligent one-tempi changes that were exactly on the music. The canter pirouette at the end of the line lost some energy and uphill carriage. Ebeling then attempted a curved line of twos, which started out a bit downhill and ended with a resistance to the bridle. But he put the mare together again and rode beautiful canter half-passes with changes of direction: they had lots of crossing and good engagement. His next set of twos was clean but a little flat. Rafalca's walk was very tense and short. The piaffes, though not huge, were in perfect rhythm. Rafalca's rather limited extended trot was nicely uphill. Both trot half-passes were ridden in a powerful trot and it was a shame that Ebeling only rode them on very short lines. Ebeling's last line was beautifully ridden—in part in one hand. The passage was the biggest Rafalca offered, with lots of spring, and he rode a piaffe pirouette with a quarter turn in each direction in which the mare showed an impressive degree of sit. Ebeling—always a good freestyle rider—was thrilled with this test. 

Victoria Max-Theurer & Augustin: 69.725%
  • Beginning her test with the trot tour, Max-Theurer showed a not very energetic extended trot. In passage, however, Augustin was very expressive and rhythmical. The piaffes were small and a bit heavy in front, but regular and in a good frame through the body. Both half-passes had lots of power and reach. At times, Max-Theurer had to supple her stallion rather strongly with the strength of her whole arm. In an otherwise nice extended walk, Augustin flipped his head twice rather dramatically. He then did so in each of the next three canter pirouettes, and it was amazing that Max-Theurer managed to keep them turning in a good canter rhythm with the stallion's head in the air and no contact with the bit. The tempi changes covered lots of ground, but Augustin does not reach up and forward enough in each stride. The fourth and final pirouette was still ridden with no contact to the mouth—and was therefore quite big—but showed no dramatic resistance. The final passage was uphill, through, and springing.

Severo Jesus Jurado Lopez & Numberto: 65.900%
  • Numberto was slightly behind the leg from the moment of the sticky transition to canter out of the first halt, resulting in a rather lackluster pirouette left. Jurado Lopez then had problems with resistance to the bit in the tempi changes down the centerline. The pirouette right was more energetic, but big. The canter half-pass right had lots of uphill energy, while the one to the left fell into a disjointed canter rhythm. There were problems again in the second line of tempi changes, but then Jurado Lopez rode a line of twos that jumped impressively through into the bridle. Numberto's piaffe, though in a good frame through the body, became quick and tense. The passage was good and rhythmical. Jurado Lopez's half-passes had lots of crossing, but slightly diminished energy. Numberto, who was already rather behind the aids, began to look tired towards the end of the test, resulting in him collapsing into piaffe rather than making a clean transition. The many problems in the execution of the test took away from the quality of movement the horse is capable of. 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

CHIO Aachen 2013 - Grand Prix Special

Helen Langehanenberg & Damon Hill: 80.667%
  • Damon Hill's extended trots were all nicely uphill as well as showing  powerful strides. Langehanenberg's stallion not only showed amazing elevation in his passage but stayed well up in the bridle. The trot half-passes were good but could have reached slightly more sideways. Damon Hill was resistant to step into the first piaffe, which the came rather deep in the frame. The horse still collapsed slightly in the transition from passage to piaffe, but the transitions out had lots of power. Compared to Damon Hill's enormous collected canter the strides in the one-tempis were a bit short. After an uphill canter pirouette left, Langehanenberg had to use very strong aids to make the horse straight on the centerline again. By the end of the test, Damon Hill's dead-straight, super-powered passage became a little deep in the neck. Though the score was high because of the basic quality of the exercises, the harmony between horse and rider was not at its absolute best in this test. 

Anna Kasprzak & Donnperignon: 77.354%
  • The determined Kasprzak rode Donnperignon's extensions with more power than ever today, so that the horse showed tremendous long strides across the arena. The passage was very elevated, though it could step under slightly more behind. The trot half-passes did not have the best crossing. The first piaffe crept forward and got quite tight in the neck but was significantly more active than we normally see from this horse. The second was smaller. The canter half passes had nice bend and angle with lots of jump. Donnperignon's tempi changes were powerful but became short in the neck. The extended canter was enormous. Kasprzak rode pirouettes that were, as usual, top-quality.

Isabell Werth & Don Johnson: 76.437%
  • With the numerous transitions in the trot work of the Grand Prix Special—all seamless—Werth really showed the strength of her riding. The extended trots were big, though not sufficiently stepping under behind. All the passage was regular and powerful. Don Johnson reached extravagantly forward and sideways in the trot half-passes, but did not show sufficient bend to the left. The piaffe, as usual, was regular but lacked elevation. Don Johnson bobbed his head quite a bit in the canter half-passes. The two-tempi changes were quite straight and nicely uphill. The one-tempis lost some forward momentum. Don Johnson's extended canter became rushed more than it showed lengthening of the strides. In the good-sized canter pirouettes, the horse dropped his back and shoulders. The last extension showed not only incredible power but also over-track. Werth's final line of piaffe and passage was the most elevated she produced in the test. 

Natalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein & Digby: 76.437%
  • All the extensions in the Grand Prix Special were a struggle for Digby's rather limited extended trot, though he has nice engagement in the collected trot. The half-passes didn't have much suspension, but made up for that in elegant crossing. Digby steps well underneath himself in his good passage. The extended walk had lots of over-track though Digby could stretch his neck more. While the piaffe crept forward slightly, it was evenly active from front to back, as well as nicely uphill and closed at the base. All three lines of tempi changes were light-footed. The canter pirouette left was so small as to become slightly stuck; the right one was very good. Sayn-Wittgenstein finished her test with a sparkling—and absolutely correct—piaffe and passage. 

Annabel Balkenhol & Dablino: 75.708%
  • Dablino had lots of power in his trot work and elevated passage, but some tightness in his back limited the half-passes and resulted in a couple breaks into canter. The extended walk had quite a poor rhythm. Dablino lurched out of collected walk into his active piaffe. The canter in the half-passes was beautifully uphill and clearly three-beat. The tempis were clean and powerful, but slightly heavy in front. Both canter pirouettes showed super uphill collection.

Victoria Max-Theurer & Augustin: 74.458%
  • Max-Theurer rode her trot work like she had a metronome in her head, with no changes between the extensions, the collected trot, and the swinging half-passes. The passage had lots of engagement behind, but the engagement in the extended trots was not sufficient. The collected walk broke into a shuffling trot a couple of times. In piaffe Augustin lowered his croup but never became very active. Augustin's very good collected canter became a little short and stiff in the tempi changes. Both pirouettes were nicely uphill, though the one to the right was significantly smaller than the one to the left. While the final piaffe was still a bit heavy in front it was the most energetic. 

Andreas Helgstrand & Akeem Foldager: 73.958%
  • The pair began with an extended trot that was very elastic but only minimally lengthened in the frame, and it seemed like Helgstrand never asked for full power in the extension.  Akeem Foldager's enormous passage is effortless and just slightly uneven in the effort from each diagonal pair. In walk, the horse was quite tense.  The piaffe was closed at the base and showed lots of activity but Akeem Foldager carried too much weight on his forehand. The tempi changes are the pairs weakest movements, as the horse swings its haunches quite dramatically, especially in the twos. There was a missed change in the ones. Helgstrand kept a good canter in the pirouette left but it needed to be smaller and show more collection onto the hindquarters. The pirouette right was weaker, after a mistake in the one-tempis down the centerline. The final centerline showed Akeem Foldager taking more even strides in passage and performing a piaffe that was more on his haunches, with effortless transitions between the two. 

Steffen Peters & Legolas: 73.375%
  • Legolas's extended trots are developing more lengthened strides, but they at times became just a touch rushed and unbalanced in the test. He had a very springy passage, especially behind, becoming a bit croup-high rather than carrying his weight. The extended walk had a very nice rhythm, though it could have used slightly longer strides. Peter rode a clear transition from walk into a bouncy piaffe. Legolas was crossing well but lost some jump in the canter half-passes. The tempi changes were clearly still a struggle, with the horse jumping from side to side to execute them. Both lines of ones had mistake. The extended canter was lovely with big reaching strides. The small pirouettes still need to come more uphill. The last trot extension showed great lengthening of the stride with out any loss of balance. 

Danielle Heijkoop & Siro: 73.062%
  • Siro's rhythmical trot work lacked some degree of elasticity and was quite short in the neck, especially too much so for the extensions. The passage was big and regular, though the horse lifts his left fore more than the right. The extended walk showed nice long relaxed strides. Siro cantered into the first piaffe, which itself was quite good: rhythmical, active, uphill, and in place. The transitions between piaffe and passage are easy for this pair. In the canter exercises, including both the tempi changes and the half-passes, Siro lost a noticeable degree of engagement behind, though they were otherwise correct. Heijkoop rode canter pirouettes that were active but quite big. The second showed some loss of balance. The piaffe-passage tour on the final centerline was rhythmical from D to G. 

Fabienne Lütkemeier & D'Agostino: 72.896%
  • D'Agostino's trot work has lots of power and elasticity, with big extensions and flowing half-passes. Unfortunately, there were a few strides of canter before the half-pass right. In his springy passage, D'Agostino was limited in his forward propulsion and showed slightly less engagement in the right hind. The collected walk became very stuck and straight legged. The piaffe was rhythmical but open at the base and short in the frame. Lütkemeier did not ever quite establish a clear three beat rhythm in her horse's collected canter. The flying changes were nicely uphill. Throughout the test, the contact with the bit was soft and consistent. 

Lone Bang Larson & Fitou L: 72.333%
  • Fitou is a horse who moves with suppleness through the back, though he is a tad bit flat-footed. The trot extensions and half-passes could use slightly more elevation, but the passage has plenty. The extended walk was both relaxed and focused. In the piaffe, Fitou was regular and carried his weight nicely on his haunches. He became slightly downhill in the canter half passes. There was a mistake in the twos as the horse became behind the leg. In the one-tempi changes, the canter became small and dull. The canter pirouettes were uphill but slightly heavy. Bang Larsen had some difficulty establishing the final piaffe but the transition out was lovely, stepping into a powerful and relaxed passage. 

Tina Konyot & Calecto V: 71.125%
  • This pair's first extension lacked power and was very irregular. In fact, much of the collected trot work and passage suffered from irregularity. Unfortunately, with all Calecto's extravagant movement, he rarely carried himself behind in trot or piaffe and passage. This was especially the case in his amazingly elevated passage which tended to come quite croup high. Calecto maintained a nice frame in the neck and Konyot's contact with the bit was very nice. In piaffe, though Calecto drops his croup and closes at the base, he still does not really take his weight behind. The canter half passes and tempi changes were solid, with an expressive and balanced canter throughout. The canter pirouettes were uphill, though Calecto tends to jump together a bit behind. The last extended trot still showed lots of irregularity, as did, to a lesser degree, the powerful final centerline.

Severo Jesus Jurado Lopez & Numberto: 70.688%
  • Numberto is an uphill moving horse that just needs to become more secure in the Grand Prix. The extended trots had plenty of power but needed to develop a little more reach. Numberto became a bit hurried in the trot half passes, but they had good bend and plenty of crossing. The piaffe and passage showed lots of potential and were consistently uphill but were clearly in development: the horse did not have quite enough carrying power behind. The tempi changes were very impressive: uphill, ground-covering and jumping off the ground. The canter pirouettes also showed potential for amazing sit, for which the horse has yet to develop the strength. Jurado-Lopez and Numberto looked like an exciting and harmonious combination. 

Jan Ebeling & Rafalca: 70.417%
  • Unfortunately for a test with lots of extended trot, Rafalca does not really show much power or over-track in her extensions. The half-pass right flowed sideways. In the passage tours, Rafalca had trouble producing enough suspension. The extended walk was slightly tense. The first piaffe had decent sit and activity and was quite regular. The transitions from piaffe to passage were clean even if slightly laboured. The canter half-pass left travelled sideways nicely, maintaining a quality collected canter. The obedient twos lost some energy towards the end. The one tempi changes did not jump much off the ground but traveled well across the diagonal. The canter pirouettes were okay, their weakness mostly being that they are not sufficiently uphill. The final extended trot down the longside was their best, finally showing over-track and good power from behind. The passage on the final centerline was still rather flat, but the piaffe was very good. Ebeling finished his test with his characteristic warm smile. 

Shelly Francis & Doktor: 69.042%

  • Francis started her test off on a nice note with a good square halt, but throughout the test, tension, especially in the horse's back, caused a number of small issues. The half-pass left became rather tight in the body, limiting the horses ability to show crossing. Doktor had a big spook at C before starting his first passage. The passage itself had lots of elevation. Francis's half-pass right showed much more suppleness. The extended trots varied in quality but overall needed to show more over-track. The rhythm of the extended walk was very good. Doktor took a few anxious canter steps before beginning his first piaffe, and the piaffe itself showed tension. Nevertheless, Doktor has a lot of sit and power in piaffe. There were also problems before the second piaffe which never established the horses usual degree of sit and elevation. In the canter half-passes, Doktor became short-strided and tense. The twos were very nice, but a tight canter meant that a couple one-tempis were missed. The pirouettes were small and uphill but Docktor really looked like he wanted to spin rapidly around, rather then taking nice distinct steps. The final centerline showed a big passage and rhythmical piaffe.

Jeanna Högberg & Liza Minelli: 68.396%
  • In the trot extensions, Liza Minelli takes nice big strides and shows a lot of power but is slightly tight in her frame. Högberg ended up with canter at the beginning of her half past left. The rhythm of the passage, which is quite elevated, is too quick. Both half-passes showed lots of crossing and nice bend, though the trot becomes slightly hurried. The piaffes are rather small and do not close at the base or take weight on the hindquarters, but they do keep a consistent rhythm. The canter half passes flowed sideways nicely, also with lots of crossing. The mare became slightly wide behind in the tempi changes and did not step under sufficiently. Minelli lost the canter in the pirouettes. They finished on a nice clean piaffe-passage tour and square halt. 

Friday, June 28, 2013

CDI4* Aachen 2013 - Grand Prix Special

Kristina Sprehe & Desperados: 75.771%
  • Sprehe started on one of the straightest halts I'd seen so far at Aachen and followed it with an extravagant extended trot. Desperados showed fluid half passes with lots of crossing. Again, however, the passage was huge but highly irregular, including numerous double-beat steps behind. The collected walk became slightly lateral with tension. While Desperados became quite open in his frame (and off the contact) in the piaffe, he stayed more balanced than in the Grand Prix. The tempi changes bounced off the ground well, but the stallion became quite tight in his back. The first canter pirouette was truly excellent, but Desperados accelerated too quickly out of the second. This test looked much more polished than the Grand Prix two days before. 

Jessica Werndl & Unee BB: 72.250%
  • Unee has a lot of power from behind in the extended trot allowing him to really cover ground, though at times he gets a touch deep in the neck. The haunches were lagging slightly in the half-pass right since the horse was not completely supple in the bend. The passage has plenty of suspension, but Unee needs to develop the power to keep that energy regular and on a straighter track. Unee's piaffe is sufficiently active though slightly uneven. The canter half-passes were powerful. Werndl had a mistake in the two-tempi changes. The pirouettes were uphill and small, but they could have keep a clearer canter rhythm. 

Victoria Max-Theurer & Blind Date: 70.792%
  • After a slightly flat ride yesterday, Max-Theurer was making sure Blind Date had lots of sparkle in her test today before entering the arena. The trot half-passes were energetic and uphill but Blind Date does not show a high degree of crossing, especially behind. Blind Date walked with quite straight hindlegs but showed plenty of over-track. The piaffes were quite rhythmical but small, as ever. There were a few bobbles in the balance of the canter half-pass right. Despite Max-Theurer's greatest efforts the one tempi changes still became quite short strided. Blind Date broke twice in the first canter pirouette and then became crooked in the one tempi changes. The pirouette right was quite big. Max-Theurer had plenty of horse today, but the little issues cost her quite a few points. 

Sanneke Rothenberger & Favourit: 69.896%
  • While Favourit takes nice long strides in the trot extensions he was a little short in the neck and tight in the back. Rothenberger rode regular and dynamic passage tours. The third extended trot was most uphill. Favourit's extended walk seemed slightly sluggish. The piaffe and the transition from piaffe to passage still looked to be a work in progress for this combination. The canter half-passes were correct in their bend and angle and showed impressive reach sideways. Rothenberger rode both lines of tempi changes with lots of spring and energy. The first pirouette started off the centerline and Favourit lost the canter towards the end. There were also problems in the second: the collected canter became somewhat backward-seeming and the horse could not maintain the collection. The pair finished on their very high quality passage. 

Susan Dutta had quite a nice ride in her test, with Currency DC looking slightly more supple than usual, and secure in all the movements. The passage was a highlight—a huge boost to the score in a test with so much of it! She finished on 67.042% for 6th place.

CHIO Aachen 2013 - U25 Grand Prix

Caroline Roffman & Sagacious: 68.953%
  • The first extension took some time to develop but showed nice lengthening of the stride and frame. The trot half passes on either side of the centerline were fluid but could have used to show more supple crossing. The first passage was uphill with good elevation, but unfortunately the second passage became slightly running and flat. Though the piaffes are not quite in place they show a good degree of sit and engagement. In collected walk, Sagacious had nice over track but a hint of tension. Roffman rode the extended canter cautiously. The canter half-pass to the centerline was in excellent balance with the horse stepping beautifully underneath himself, and the subsequent pirouette left was uphill and small. The canter pirouette right was uphill but lost a slight degree of energy. The pair's two-tempi changes were flowing and expressive, earning them straight 8s from the judges. There was a mistake at the beginning of the one tempi changes but subsequently they were flowing and traveled forward nicely. The final centerline was weak, with Sagacious showing some tension in the last piaffe and becoming slightly crooked in passage. Roffman rode Sagacious in a positive rhythm and uphill frame, creating a harmonious picture between horse and rider.

Diederik van Silfhout & Arlando: 67.744%

  • Arlando started with beautifully expressive extensions with lots of suspension and correct lengthening of the stride and frame. In the half passes across the centerline, the horse should have moved sideways with more suppleness and swing. The passage was elevated and rhythmical, while the piaffe was energetic but not quite in balance. It also creeps forward slightly. The extended walk needed to show more over-track though the frame was nice. The canter half-pass left was uphill and jumping. Both pirouettes were small, but the strides around were slightly too big. There were mistakes in both the one-tempis and two-tempis, and they also became a bit quick in the rhythm. Silfhout had many issues with the aids on the final centerline with the horse refusing to make the down transition to trot and then cantering instead of doing passage. 

Sophie Jeppesen & First As: 66.791%

  • First As becomes slightly too short in the neck in his diligent passage, and though the piaffe is rhythmical with the horse sitting nicely, it moves forward a great deal. The walk work was supple with nice over track. The flying change at the end of the extended canter was too early and not clean. For the pirouettes, Jeppesen needs to develop better collection. Both lines of tempi changes were straight and energetic. 

Annabel Frenzen & Cristobal: 66.628%
  • In the trot work, Cristobal is supple and engaged, but sometimes has  moments where he becomes downhill. The passage is springy but shows more engagement in the right hind leg. The piaffe is small and creeping. In the extended walk Cristobal swung nicely through his back. The canter in the pirouettes became rather laboured. The two tempis showed decent engagement except for an early one which jumped together behind. The ones were elastic and ground-covering though could perhaps be slightly more uphill. On the final centerline the passage was active, though still uneven, and the piaffe showed better energy. 

Sadly, I missed the test of winner Nanna Skodborg Merrald and Millibar. Another up-and-comer for the Danes!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

CDI4* Aachen 2013 - Grand Prix

Kristina Sprehe & Desperados: 73.723%
  • This leggy stallion really reaches forward in the extended trots maintaining a lovely loose back. There was some unevenness in the trot on the short side, but the half-passes were balanced with very good crossing. The passage was also not really regular and the piaffe did not find a clear rhythm (though the last piaffe on the centerline was best). Sprehe could not keep a good contact in the piaffe and the horse sat too much, coming above the bit. The quality of the changes in the two tempis was very good but there were lots of counting mistakes. The zigzag was smooth and obedient with good lateral travel in the half passes. The ones were clean, active, and uphill. Desperados has an amazing talent to sit, which sometimes led to problems with the rhythm, including, to a small degree, in the canter pirouettes. Overall the ride was very expressive but also quite unpolished. 

Victoria Max-Theurer & Blind Date: 72.617%

  • Max-Theurer rides this mare in a positive forward way, with the horse moving nicely into an uphill, open frame. Blind Date stepped nicely under in the first extension but could have pushed from behind with a little more energy. The trot half-passes became slightly flat though they stepped well sideways. Blind Date's first piaffe was very small and behind the leg. Both the collected and extended walk were relaxed and had nice overtrack. The second piaffe was still small but the passage was bouncy and rhythmical. Though Blind Date was snorting through the two-tempi changes they were uphill and without mistakes. The zigzag was nice but slightly slow in the canter rhythm. The one-tempi changes became very stuck. The canter pirouettes were uphill and kept a decent quality of canter. Blind Date seemed slightly behind the leg for this test, leaving Max-Theurer just short of a second win for the day.

Hans-Peter Minderhoud & Romanov: 72.553%
  • Minderhoud rides Romanov into nice extended trots but they could still use to lengthen more in the stride and frame. The transitions between piaffe and passage were seamless but at times the passage lacked energy. The piaffe is nicely in place but could use a little more sit and elevation.  The two-tempi changes showed a lovely canter but unfortunately some of the energy was lost with the horse swinging his haunches from side to side. The extended canter was beautifully ground-covering. The one tempis were uphill but short in the stride and sometimes behind the bit. The canter pirouette left lacked some energy, while the one to the right was slightly unbalanced but better. Though Romanov would be better with still more engagement behind, Minderhoud's final centerline was elegant and obedient. 

Nadine Capellmann & Girasol: 71.787%
  • Girasol seemed quite spooky today, shown in a degree of tension in the otherwise lovely first extension. In the half-passes Girasol could use to push a little more sideways in addition to the reach she offers with her front legs; on the whole, they have good crossing. The first passage was very tense and behind the leg, as was the first piaffe. The second passage was also tense and uneven with Girasol snatching up the pair of the right front and left hind. There was a mistake in the two tempi changes. Girasol reached up and forward energetically and softly for the extended canter. The ones were very nice: uphill and rhythmical. The canter pirouettes were stuck and almost backward feeling. Unfortunately, the tension got in the way of Girasol's quality really shining in the movements. 

Ingrid Klimke & Dresden Mann: 69.894%
  • Dresden man showed an uphill and reaching extended trot that became slightly tensed and hurried. The half-passes in trot step to beautifully and powerfully sideways. Dresden man looked a little overly electric today, including piaffing instead of halting before the reinback. The piaffe was rhythmical and closed at the base but the transition out was still slightly unbalanced. While the extended walk had plenty of over-track there was evidence of tension in a funny step in the front. The two-tempi changes were springing and ground-covering but too quick. The one tempis were quite good. The canter pirouette right was small and in super collection but resistant in the bend. The final centerline showed the most rhythmical and expressive piaffe and passage, with clean transitions between the two.  Dresden Mann is blessed with natural uphill carriage in all of his movement but today's test was marred by lots of tension and anticipation. 

Sanneke Rothenberger & Favourit: 69.319%
  • The extended trot showed nice reach in its striding but could have used more power from behind. The half-pass right started out sticky with the haunches lagging after the change of bend. The half-pass left showed better crossing. The passage was quite expressive and springy though a little stiff behind at times. The first piaffe was very small. The second passage after the walk showed better engagement behind but the piaffe still did not hit a consistent rhythm. Favourit showed nice uphill lengthening strides for the extended canter. Rothenberger had some difficulty controlling the haunches in the canter zigzag. The one tempi changes were rhythmical though not sufficiently ground-covering, and the ones to the right were bigger than the ones to the left. Rothenberger rode small uphill canter pirouette but the strides around were very large. Throughout the ride, Rothenberger maintained a soft and consistent contact with the bit, making for a very harmonious picture. 

Uta Gräf & Dandelion: 69.095%

  • Even with his rather short legs, Dandelion showed good lengthening of his stride in the extended trot. The half-pass right had good crossing but the one to the left was weaker. The second extended trot showed less power than the first, and the subsequent passage had little of the required elevation. The first piaffe came above the bit and was slightly resistant. The second piaffe-passage tour showed much better engagement, though Dandelion still came a touch above the bit in piaffe. The two-tempi changes were springy but short. As in trot, Dandelion left his haunches behind in the canter half-passes to the left. Gräf rode pirouettes that were small with an active canter. 

Isabell Werth & Der Stern: 68.404%
  • Der Stern's extended trots are not quite uphill enough, even while the horse reaches nicely forward in front. The half-passes, always Werth's specialty, showed lovely reach laterally. The piaffe does not come completely in place, while the passage is quite good and active. The canter zigzag was of very good quality with clear changes of bend and moved well laterally across the centerline. The ones were weak and small and then became mistake riddled. The first canter pirouette was uphill but slightly stuck behind, while the second became a bit big and was not as uphill. Though the final passage was dynamic, Der Stern shows some weakness in the left hind, often stepping out with it, rather than under. 

Fabienne Lütkemeier & Qui Vincit Dynamis: 67.043%
  • Qui Vincit Dynamis lengthens his strides in the extended trot but does not step under sufficiently behind. In the trot half-passes the rhythm of the trot lost its suspension and became slightly rushed, though the crossing was nice. Qui Vincit Dynamis appears springy in passage, but drags his haunches slightly behind. His piaffe is decently rhythmical but small and without bringing the hind legs under. The change left in the two tempis had good engagement, but the change to the right was often short in the right hind. The canter pirouette left was of very high quality: tiny, uphill, and keeping the appearance of a canter in a beautiful way. The one to the left was also very good, but slightly bigger. The contact in passage on the final centerline became quite strong.

Natalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein & Fabienne: 64.021%
  • This pair began with a pleasant extended trot that was not at the horses full power. The trot half-passes lost some of the quality of the gait. Fabienne dragged her hind legs in the reinback. The piaffe is developing but has quite nice rhythm and spring, even though it eventually needs to come under more behind. There was some miscommunication and resistance in the transition from walk to passage. The two tempi changes were light and flowing. Sayn-Wittgenstein could not get the first flying change in the canter zigzag: a major error. The overall picture is of a pair in harmony that will be of high quality, but of a horse that is very green at this level. 

CDIO Aachen 2013 - Prix St. Georges

Victoria Max-Theurer & Della Cavalleria: 74.421%
  • Max-Theurer rode with no contact in the curb on the left. In the extended trot the mare moved very well through her body but became just slightly hurried. The shoulder-in showed lovely then angle and uphill carriage. The transition between volte and half-pass was effortless. The extended walk was beautifully relaxed with the horse moving through her whole body. She unfortunately came above the bit in the transition to the canter. Halfway through the text Max-Theurer dropped the contact on the right curb as well as the left. The canter pirouettes were small, active and uphill. Though Max-Theurer turned the mare's head from side to side to get the changes, the threes were otherwise very nice in jumping through.  The canter work was correct but showed some tension. 

Patrik Kittel & Deja: 74.368%
  • Deja had amazing fluid long strides in her extended trot and came back to collected trot softly. The angle and engagement in the shoulder and was good and the volts was balanced. The left half-pass was in good angle and bend, but could have pushed a little more sideways. The half pass right showed more sideways power. The rhythm in the trot work was unflagging. The extended walk showed tremendous overstep, but the mare pulls her strides slightly from the front instead of pushing from behind. The canter half-passes showed a high degree of crossing. The canter pirouette left was uphill but slightly stuck behind with the canter pirouette right showing better maintenance of the jump of the canter. The four tempis were enormous, but the mare sometimes came a little behind the bit and Kittel still swung his seat slightly. The extended canter was huge with the mare reaching forward and moving through her whole body. The final halt was abrupt and unbalanced, but the rest of the ride was lovely and harmonious. 

Isabell Werth & Lezard: 74.053%
  • This was another pair that showed very good quality extensions in the trot. Werth had some trouble establishing the bend at the beginning of the left shoulder-in which was otherwise of nice quality. They show very correct voltes that were small and balanced, without the horse swinging it's haunches around. Werth had some trouble establishing the angle in the canter half-passes but they were very nicely uphill, as were the canter pirouettes. Werth had to work very hard to get her tempi changes but they were still straight and quite expressive. In the extended canter Lezard had an uphill carriage and very good canter rhythm. He is a horse with good uphill balance, though he sometimes becomes quite tight. 

Andreas Helgstrand & Polka Hit Nexen: 72.342%
  • What looked like an excellent extended trots at the beginning of Helgstrand's test broke into canter. In the volte and shoulder in left the horses trot sometimes became quite passage-like, losing the forward engagement of the hind legs. Helgstand was a little cautious in the second extended trot. The rhythm of the trot work to the right was much more consistent and the movements showed good balance. The canter pirouettes were small but became a little flat in the canter. The tempi changes were a little small. 

Helen Langehanenberg & Cote D'Azur: 71.237%
  • Langehanenberg rides Côte d'Azur like Damon Hill with a very light contact that the horse steps happily into. The extended trots were amazingly ground covering and show good lengthening of the frame. Both the half-passes and shoulder-ins had consistent bend and angle, but could have used to show more bend. Côte d'Azur became quite stuck in the walk pirouettes. The canter pirouettes were small but the horse stretched her front legs out in front instead of coming uphill and carrying weight behind. At times Côte d'Azur sometimes gets behind the bit and low even with such a light contact. 

Uta Gräf & Damon Jerome: 71.105%

  • Damon Jerome shows very elastic and ground-covering extended trots. In the shoulder-in left there was inconsistent angle at the beginning. The voltes were very well balanced. The extended walk showed beautiful swing back and nice overstep. The canter half-passes with change of direction were effortlessly executed. Before the left pirouette there was an unfortunate miscommunication and Damon Jerome trotted instead of becoming collected and the canter pirouette itself was not the pairs best. The one to the right however was small and uphill. The flying changes were in good rhythm though the horse could use to jump through a little bit more in the change and is not quite straight. Also there was a mistake in the last of the three tempis. Overall, the stallion was beautifully presented, but a number of small errors prevented their score from being higher. 

Caroline Roffman & Her Highness O: 71.026%
  • The mare was presented in a nice open frame stepping into the bridle. The first extended trot needed a good bit more ground cover though it had a nice reach in front. There could have been a more consistent bend through the body in the left volte. The second extended trot had more power from behind but still should develop a longer stride.  In both directions, the half passes had lovely balance. The collected walk was relaxed and Her Highness was stepping under nicely, but the strides in the extended walk should have been longer. The canter pirouettes were small and showed excellent sit. In the four-tempi changes Her Highness was correct but slightly behind the leg. The three-tempis had a change with a stutterstep but the later ones were better stepping into bridle. Roffman rode in a very appealing tactful way, diffusing any tensions effortlessly. 

Nadine Capellmann & Diamond Girl: 69.763%
  • Diamond Girl is a very elastic mare with lots of power and expression. The extended trots were big and covered ground, but could take just slightly more weight behind. Though the rhythm was good through the shoulder-in, half-pass, and volte there were a couple minor issues. In the volte the mare's hind legs sometimes swung out, and the bend in the half passes was slightly inconsistent. Diamond Girl stretched well in the extended walk but did not have sufficient overstep. The canter half passes were uphill and active. The left pirouette did not have enough steps and was not uphill, with the right slightly better. The changes were beautifully expressive and ground covering with Diamond Girl leaping elegantly off the ground.  

Anna Kasprzak & Darling's Dream: 69.737%
  • Before entering the arena Darling's Dream showed some major resistance to the contact, which showed a little in the transition from halt to trot and into extended trot at the beginning of the test. The extended trots showed nice lengthening of the stride but were a bit quick and tense rather than elastic. The half passes had nice angle though the horse could have used to push more sideways. There was a break into trot in the extended walk. The canter half passes showed nice angle and a beautiful change of direction. The canter pirouettes were well collected and small. In the four-tempi changes, Darling's Dream sometimes came slightly behind the bit. The extended canter showed beautiful lengthening of the frame with out any loss of the canter rhythm. 

Shelly Francis & Danilo: 67.500%

  • Francis began her test in a lovely uphill contact with the horse moving nicely over the back into the bit. The trot work was correct in bend and/or angle with good balance, but lacked sufficient expression. The haunches were lagging just slightly in the half-pass right. Danilo was rather tight behind in the walk, limiting the overstep. The canter half-passes were controlled and harmonious but limited in stride. The canter pirouettes in both directions were very good, demonstrating excellent collection, with the horse uphill, active, and closed at the base. Francis missed the second change of the four tempis with the horse seeming slightly behind the aids. There were counting mistakes again in the threes. Overall, the pair showed a balanced and controlled test, but Danilo needs to show more power.