Friday, June 28, 2013

CHIO Aachen 2013 - U25 Grand Prix

Caroline Roffman & Sagacious: 68.953%
  • The first extension took some time to develop but showed nice lengthening of the stride and frame. The trot half passes on either side of the centerline were fluid but could have used to show more supple crossing. The first passage was uphill with good elevation, but unfortunately the second passage became slightly running and flat. Though the piaffes are not quite in place they show a good degree of sit and engagement. In collected walk, Sagacious had nice over track but a hint of tension. Roffman rode the extended canter cautiously. The canter half-pass to the centerline was in excellent balance with the horse stepping beautifully underneath himself, and the subsequent pirouette left was uphill and small. The canter pirouette right was uphill but lost a slight degree of energy. The pair's two-tempi changes were flowing and expressive, earning them straight 8s from the judges. There was a mistake at the beginning of the one tempi changes but subsequently they were flowing and traveled forward nicely. The final centerline was weak, with Sagacious showing some tension in the last piaffe and becoming slightly crooked in passage. Roffman rode Sagacious in a positive rhythm and uphill frame, creating a harmonious picture between horse and rider.

Diederik van Silfhout & Arlando: 67.744%

  • Arlando started with beautifully expressive extensions with lots of suspension and correct lengthening of the stride and frame. In the half passes across the centerline, the horse should have moved sideways with more suppleness and swing. The passage was elevated and rhythmical, while the piaffe was energetic but not quite in balance. It also creeps forward slightly. The extended walk needed to show more over-track though the frame was nice. The canter half-pass left was uphill and jumping. Both pirouettes were small, but the strides around were slightly too big. There were mistakes in both the one-tempis and two-tempis, and they also became a bit quick in the rhythm. Silfhout had many issues with the aids on the final centerline with the horse refusing to make the down transition to trot and then cantering instead of doing passage. 

Sophie Jeppesen & First As: 66.791%

  • First As becomes slightly too short in the neck in his diligent passage, and though the piaffe is rhythmical with the horse sitting nicely, it moves forward a great deal. The walk work was supple with nice over track. The flying change at the end of the extended canter was too early and not clean. For the pirouettes, Jeppesen needs to develop better collection. Both lines of tempi changes were straight and energetic. 

Annabel Frenzen & Cristobal: 66.628%
  • In the trot work, Cristobal is supple and engaged, but sometimes has  moments where he becomes downhill. The passage is springy but shows more engagement in the right hind leg. The piaffe is small and creeping. In the extended walk Cristobal swung nicely through his back. The canter in the pirouettes became rather laboured. The two tempis showed decent engagement except for an early one which jumped together behind. The ones were elastic and ground-covering though could perhaps be slightly more uphill. On the final centerline the passage was active, though still uneven, and the piaffe showed better energy. 

Sadly, I missed the test of winner Nanna Skodborg Merrald and Millibar. Another up-and-comer for the Danes!

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